Monday, August 17, 2020

Fall 2014 Transfer Decisions Will Be Sent Today

Fall 2014 Transfer Decisions Will Be Sent Today Today were releasing our decisions regarding transfer applicants who applied for admission for Fall 2014. Transfer applicants, unlike freshman applicants, receive decisions via email from our office to the address listed on their application. The emails will be sent at 5 PM Eastern  today, May 7, and you should receive it shortly thereafter, depending on the traffic in the tubes. Our transfer admissions process was quite competitive. As in past years, hundreds of students applied, and we only had space to admit fewer than 20 students. It is a difficult process: as usual, we are very excited about the students we have admitted, and often chagrined about those we could not. As a former transfer student myself, I know that this process can be a complicated one. For those of you who were admitted: welcome to MIT. For those who werent: I wish you the best of luck. I transferred, but if I hadnt things would have been fine. Remember, college is mostly what you make of it, here or anywhere else; if you werent one of those students whom we admitted, I wish you the best of luck wherever you go (or stay).

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